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Studio Hana



天長地久。天地所以能長且久者, 以其不自生, 故能長生。


Heven lasts long, and Earth abides. What is the secret of their durability ? 

Is it not because they do not live for themselves that they can live so long ? 


二十七年時光, 工作亦如同旅行般, 不同城市, 不同屬性的設計領域, 多元化的工作經驗及轉變,在逐步的行蘊過程, 凝聚內在本質的思考 : 在新世紀旅程中, 以自然共生設計之名, 與幸福相遇。


Since 1987, after 27 years, 316 projects , 5 countries and 18 cities I realized that all experiences just for to be a New Age Stylist as Daymaker today, One dedicated vision on " Good Concept Brighten Lives " well and cheerfully. 


- Hana Yu 

    十芳設計 Hana Design & Associates


    以概念設計工作室形態根基在美麗的台灣,在美學經濟為主導的新概念商業開發及整體空間設計領域中,以獨立創意設計及專案顧問模式運作,來往於中國各大城市,香港,台北。過去主要十五年間(1994-2008),我與台灣及駐中國當地設計及工程團隊在當代空間及國際飯店規劃設計領域中共同努力漸次地發展屬於新世紀自由的時尚風格,包含新東方設計美學及原形概念的一再思考與探究。 近五年間(2009 -),怯除一切贅飾,我們更關心的是透過各項概念設計,發展及實踐,無論是在商業或私人領域,設計如何引領人們生活在自然和諧的生態中,提升愉悅的人性化生活體驗。除此之外,我們期待傳導的是共生設計的永續概念:透過共同的設計思考,引導人們主動覺察生活回歸自然,進而觸動人之於生活素養的感知能力。

    As a floral conjuction, an Integrated Design Network

    Hana Design & Associates , a Taiwan-based concept - leading interior design and art direction Studio, specialising in living and artistic high-end commercial hospitality projects and cooperated with Assocaites primarily works for multinational and local companies of the Hospitality Industry across Taiwan and China. We are focused on providing the Highest standard service of the contemporary space and furnishing design with multi-art works on Living Residence, Restaurant & Hospitality, Retail, Creative Event & Art installation,especially absord in new concept development of New Age Living Hotel ( 25-hour Hotel )- with the oriental philosophies and future-focused aesthetics.


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